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SingleStore [ARCHIVED]


SingleStore is a distributed SQL database that offers high-throughput transactions (inserts and upserts), low-latency analytics and context from real-time vector data.


Full Refresh SyncYes
Incremental - Append SyncYes
Change Data CaptureNo
SSL SupportYes
SSH Tunnel ConnectionYes

The contents below include a 'Quick Start' guide, advanced setup steps, and reference information ( data type mapping and changelogs).

Getting Started


  1. SingleStore instance
  2. Allow connections from Airbyte to your SingleStore database (if they exist in separate VPCs)
  3. Create a dedicated read-only Airbyte user with access to all tables needed for replication

1. Make sure your database is accessible from the machine running Airbyte

This is dependent on your networking setup. The easiest way to verify if Airbyte is able to connect to your SingleStore instance is via the check connection tool in the UI.

This step is optional but highly recommended to allow for better permission control and auditing. Alternatively, you can use Airbyte with an existing user in your database.

To create a dedicated database user, run the following commands against your database:

USER airbyte IDENTIFIED BY <your_password_here>;

Next, grant the user read-only access to the relevant tables. The simplest way is to grant read access to all tables in the database as follows:

ON <your_database_name_here>.* TO airbyte;

Or you can be more granular:

GRANT SELECT ON "<database_a>"."<table_1>" TO airbyte;
GRANT SELECT ON "<database_b>"."<table_2>" TO airbyte;

Your database user should now be ready for use with Airbyte.

Connecting with SSL or SSH Tunneling

SSL Modes

Here is a breakdown of available SSL connection modes:

  • disable to disable encrypted communication between Airbyte and the source
  • required to always require encryption. Note: The connection will fail if the source doesn't support encryption.
  • verify-ca to always require encryption and verify that the source has a valid SSL certificate
  • verify-full to always require encryption and verify the identity of the source

Connection via SSH Tunnel

Airbyte has the ability to connect to a SingleStore instance via an SSH Tunnel. The reason you might want to do this because it is not possible (or against security policy) to connect to the database directly (e.g. it does not have a public IP address).

When using an SSH tunnel, you are configuring Airbyte to connect to an intermediate server (a.k.a. a bastion sever) that does have direct access to the database. Airbyte connects to the bastion and then asks the bastion to connect directly to the server.

Using this feature requires additional configuration, when creating the source. We will talk through what each piece of configuration means.

  1. Configure all fields for the source as you normally would, except SSH Tunnel Method.
  2. SSH Tunnel Method defaults to No Tunnel (meaning a direct connection). If you want to use an SSH Tunnel choose SSH Key Authentication or Password Authentication.
    1. Choose Key Authentication if you will be using an RSA private key as your secret for establishing the SSH Tunnel (see below for more information on generating this key).
    2. Choose Password Authentication if you will be using a password as your secret for establishing the SSH Tunnel.
  3. SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host refers to the intermediate (bastion) server that Airbyte will connect to. This should be a hostname or an IP Address.
  4. SSH Connection Port is the port on the bastion server with which to make the SSH connection. The default port for SSH connections is 22, so unless you have explicitly changed something, go with the default.
  5. SSH Login Username is the username that Airbyte should use when connection to the bastion server. This is NOT the SingleStore username.
  6. If you are using Password Authentication, then SSH Login Username should be set to the password of the User from the previous step. If you are using SSH Key Authentication leave this blank. Again, this is not the SingleStore password, but the password for the OS-user that Airbyte is using to perform commands on the bastion.
  7. If you are using SSH Key Authentication, then SSH Private Key should be set to the RSA Private Key that you are using to create the SSH connection. This should be the full contents of the key file starting with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and ending with -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.

Generating a private key for SSH Tunneling

The connector expects an RSA key in PEM format. To generate this key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa

This produces the private key in pem format, and the public key remains in the standard format used by the authorized_keys file on your bastion host. The public key should be added to your bastion host to whichever user you want to use with Airbyte. The private key is provided via copy-and-paste to the Airbyte connector configuration screen, so it may log in to the bastion.

Data Type Mapping

SingleStore data types are mapped to the following data types when synchronizing data.

Resulting TypeNotes
BITbase64 binary string
YEARyear string
BINARYbase64 binary string
VARBINARYbase64 binary string
LONGBLOBbase64 binary string
MEDIUMBLOBbase64 binary string
BLOBbase64 binary string
TINYBLOBbase64 binary string
JSONserialized json string


VersionDatePull RequestSubject
0.1.02024-04-16????Add SingleStore source connector